Monday, September 13, 2010

Christian or "Un" Christian

If any of you have paid much attention to the news over the past week, you have seen how Freedom has made the news a few times regarding some of the things going on here on the weekend during our "Rescue" series. Personally, I would like to say "Thank You" to our church leadership for taking a step to get Freedom Church's name out there so we can show those in our community that the Christian faith is all about love and serving others. There have been so many people out there recently that have showed the world that Christianity is about hate when it isn't.

I read a quote recently that Gandhi once made. He said, "Everybody in the world understands what Jesus was teaching, except for Christians." When I first heard this, it bothered me a little. I wondered why in the world he would say that. Knowing that he was of a different religion, I brushed it off as he was "crazy." However, the more I think about it, why would he or anyone else think anything any different based on the way many live out their faith. There are too many Christians out there today who are living out a "Un" Christian faith.

For example, last week, there were several pastors and churches in the news talking of burning the Koran (which is the holy book from the Islam religion). Now, I agree that those who follow this religion are wrong in thier beliefs, but you cannot make me believe that God would want you to burn the Koran to make them convert to Christianity. Burning someone elses holy book is an act of hate and very offensive. Obeying the comand to make disciples does not give us the right offend people, especially when those offenses are actually keeping us from fulfilling that very commandment. If you don't believe this then I encourage you to Read 2 Timothy 2: 23-26.

If you really and truly want to live out the Christian faith in your life; do as Jesus tells us in Matthew 22: 37-40. In these verses, Jesus tells to "love God with all your heart, soul, and mind" and to "love your neighbor as yourself." Living a life of love and serving others is the way to show others you are a Christian. Showing acts of hate and being offensive is the way to show how "Un" Christian you are.

I encourage you now to take a look at your life and think of what you are showing others. Are u showing love or hate? Do people think you are Christian or "Un" Christian?