Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Twitter can be thought provoking!!!

Just read a tweet that asked "To what extent is you identity dependent on the praise of others?" How often do we judge ourselves based on how many "way-to-go's" we get? When we don't get them, we are down on ourselves. We think that we are not living up to our potential, or noone likes us. It happens to me a lot. I find myself looking for approval from others. I should seek for Gods approval instead of man's. my identity should be in Christ.

Food for thought, i guess.......

Friday, August 13, 2010

Quote for the Day

Here is an interesting quote:
"At times I think and at times I am" -Paul Valery

How many times does God call us to be, and we are too scared, so we just think about it?
Psalm 119:30 says "I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to live by your regulations." Following Christ is a choice everyday. Today, I am. i hope you will be to.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Ok, so we are 29 hours away from being on "vacation." I am really excited about this! To step away from the everyday for a week. to not have to wake up to my alarm clock. To not have to drop off Ava and go to work. To not have to be questioned for every step taken at work......yeah, i'm excited.

Ava is trying to crawl now. How crazy is that!?! She has shown no intrest in being mobile and then all of a sudden, she is trying to figure it out. The dogs will have no chance in a few weeks. She will get them for sure!! She has grown so much in the last almost 8 months. Her personality is coming out and she is turning into a pretty cool kid. (mostly because of her amazing mom and dad, of course). I don't want to blink because i don't want to miss a single thing!
makes me thankful for vacations. We can focus on our family and enjoy what God has blessed us with. I know that i will have this next week to focus on growing together as a family with Dustin and Ava. I am excited about that.

Even if you don't have an opertunity to get away, make sure and take some time to focus on and grow closer with your family!!! before we all know it, time will slip away and we will wish we would have!